Around on Runde
And yeah, nice to meet you too, little one! I see you already have a very

Yes! I did it myself! I love the color of your... beard!
Oh, actually – how did you meet with Eldre?
It is a long story, Junior. It all started when Johannes began to learn about our home. I remember he was attacked by a dozen viscous , and I came to save him!

Honestly, Eldre, I am not sure about that. I think it went the other way around! Johannes, how did that happened?
No one was attack by anyone, trust me. Eldre made that up. It went like this...
I was working on my studies about the island, and I discovered some things...
While observing the birds, I found a small chick, left on the ground. Completely alone and defenseless. He must have been abandoned by his family. Puffins, unfortunately do that, when they can't find enough food for their chick. That little guy... was Eldre.

After that, I started learning about the dwindling food on the island, and the reason behind that is... well, quite sad.
The biggest threat to the birds is caused by humans overfishing in the area. In the last 50 years, the island has lost around 400 000 birds.
The birds used to come to Runde, but due to the lack of fish, it is not suitable for the same number of individuals anymore.

I knew that Eldre would make those things up - but, Johannes, what about the food?
...Did you ever find Eldre's parents?